2nd and 4th Saturdays from 9:00 am - 11:00 am (except November)

The St Mark Food Ministry (Harvest Hope Ministry) was started in June 2017 and has been almost continuously operational since, except for a brief shutdown due to Covid 19 (March 2020 thru July 2020). We provide food to those in need on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Our goal is to provide food to families suffering from ‘food insecurity’. Food insecurity is defined as a lack of consistent access to enough food for every person in a household to live an active, healthy life. Food insecurity occurs when monthly income does not adequately cover monthly expenses AND food needs. In 2022, we helped to reduce food insecurity by providing food to over 2,200 families with 6,000 individual family members. The church funds food purchases primarily through monetary donations from the members, community, and friends of the church.

Donate via Subsplash

If you would like to donate to the Harvest Hope Food Ministry, you may do so by clicking the link below and following the instructions. Thank You!
Make a Donation
  1. Choose a Fund
  2. Select Mission and Outreach
  3. Select Harvest Hope
  4. Select a Frequency
  5. Enter a dollar amount

Donate via Cash App

If you would like to donate to the Harvest Hope Food Ministry via Cash App, you may do so by clicking the link below and following the instructions. Thank You!
Donate with Cash App
  1. Enter a dollar amount
  2. Enter For: Harvest Hope Food Ministry

a table of food bank supplies
group of women working with food bank supplies
group of food bank volunteers
a table of food bank supplies

2023 Distribution Dates

2nd & 4th SATURDAYS 9:00 AM-11:00 AM (Except November)
January 13
January 27

February 10
February 24

March 9
March 23

April 13
April 27

May 11
May 25

June 8
June 22

July 13
July 27

August 10
August 24

September 14
September 28

October 12
October 26

November 9
November 23 *Thanksgiving Box

December 14
December 28

Volunteer Opportunities on Distribution Day

St Mark United Methodist Church is thankful for the opportunity to provide food to families in the community. We pray that we serve with love and grace so that families feel welcome and respected.

Check-In: Checks-in family member

Box Distribution : Maintains box\bread tables

Miscellaneous Table: Distributes miscellaneous items

Floaters: Fills in as needed

group of women working with food bank supplies

Food Pantry Documents

Harvest Hope 2024 Distribution Dates
File Size: 142.1Kb
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HH Non Discrimination Statement
File Size: 109.6Kb
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Volunteer Opportunities
File Size: 198.4Kb
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Spring 2023 Recipe
File Size: 206.5Kb
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Food Pantry Needs
File Size: 119.6Kb
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2023 Distribution Dates
File Size: 133.3Kb
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TFAP Income Guidelines
File Size: 24.6Kb
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